Don't call it a comeback...

Because one person asked for it, the return of Game Freak.
For the rest of you, Game Freak was a news letter that i started the summer of '99. Employing a staff of 2 (thanks to Lynne for editing) and using the most advanced version of Word '97, the all text black and white Game Freak came to life out of a sweaty little print shop on Coney Island Ave. and made it's way to all of five people. Six if you count my Mother.
It was 11 pages, covered such cutting edge games as Silent Hill, had a feature on retro gaming and even a codes section (need to beat Syphon Filter 2? I got you covered.) Notice the cool masthead on the left of the page. Wicked.
So after begging a few local stores to put it on thier counter (thanks for nothing jerks) i pushed ahead with a second issue and learned an important lesson.
These things are freaking expensive!
So, since this was before the days of widespread blogging, i went ahead and created a web page on geocities. The word of Game Freak had been brought to glorious life via 56k and spread to an unprecidented 7 people! (Thanks Jay!)
To make a long story even longer, the site fell to the wayside due to an insane Forensic Science program and was eventually deleted from this net we call ether.
Then, out of nowhere, my buddy Jay Donnelly (that all important seventh reader) sends me a message on myspace: The world needs Game Freak.
And I decided why the hell not, I missed doing the site. It was a transitionary time in my life the last time I worked on Game Freak, heading to college and all that, and i find myself again at a crossroads (read: I have no idea what I'm going to do with my life) so maybe it is time for me to hit the keys agin.
So, what is Game Freak? Well, right now it's just a single post, but soon (very soon even!) this will be your home for my opinions on games.
Thrilling huh?
If you want the newest news on the industry go here or even here. I do not work in the industry...I have a shitty office job, so I am in no position to get a scoop.
Also, if you are looking for advanced reviews of games coming out, see above. Nintendo and Sony want nothing to do with me (must have been all those phone calls at 3 a.m.)
So what do you get here? Honesty. I play a game, I read an article then I give you my opinion on it. Right now the early posts are going to highlight games that most of you have probably over looked (for shame!) but shouldn't have.
Thanks for stopping by, have a look around and check back often for updates.
Keep playing.